VirtualGeo SDK
A fully-featured and efficient development kit for system integrators. Embed advanced 2D and 3D geospatial functionalities into your applications.

Key Features & Benefits

Risk and cost reduction
VirtualGeo SDK is a robust and field-proven tool, developed over the last 15 years and used for critical and demanding customers applications. With Virtual Geo SDK, you can develop serenely your own 3D engine avoiding unnecessary risks and saving time and money by the same occasion.

Choose your language and GUI
The SDK is available in popular programming languages such as C++ and Java and is compatible with common GUI toolkits to ease your integration process.

SDK is compatible on various devices: laptops, desktop PCs, high-end workstations, tablets, or industrial machines even located in limited environments. It automatically scales your display quality according to your available graphic device capabilities thanks to advanced streaming and caching mechanism.

Import data from any source
Import a wide range of imagery, maps, elevation, vector features, 3D models, weather data and more into your application. Then combine them immediately into a single virtual environment.

Explore large datasets
Navigate through your environment in a smooth manner, from a planet level to a building level. You have no limitations on the size of your environment for visualization.

Analyze your environment
In order to provide a thorough understanding of the environment, add advanced analysis tools to your application such as: line of sight, intervisibility cone, area and azimuth measure, terrain profile, etc...

Visualize complex dynamic situations
Visualize a large volume of dynamic objects into an accurate virtual environment. Represent your objects either with a complex 2D symbology or a photo-realistic 3D representation.

Combine 2D and 3D information
Drap complex 2D features on a 3D terrain in real-time to combine efficiently 2D information in a 3D representation.

Video on Terrain
Integrate a live or recorded video feed directly into the 3D environment. Project the video feed over the same geographical area that is captured by the camera.