VirtualGeo Defense
Geospatial data is a critical part of most defence applications. VirtualGeo was designed from the ground up to fulfil the most advanced requirements of the defense applications

VirtualGeo was designed from the ground up to fulfil the most advanced requirements of the defense applications. Feedback from military end-users and the developers of military GIS applications allows us to improve our solution continuously to fit current and future military needs.
Our solution is already used in different military applications such as:
- Mission Planning systems
- Mission Support systems
- Command & control applications
- Unmanned systems
- Battlefield Management systems
- Surveillance systems
- Live, Virtual and Constructive simulation systems
Sample Use Cases
Mission planning
Before a mission, understanding and using the environment to your advantage is crucial. Building an accurate 3D visualization of your mission site, using all available sources, is an important first step to help team leaders take the best decision. VirtualGeo is compatible with all necessary input formats to build the environment from common sources (maps, satellite imagery, terrain elevation, 3D models) and with all specific defence formats such as VMAP, USRP/ASRP. It also works with more advanced datasets: if you use photos and videos from various sensors and platforms, tools such as SmartCapture3D or PhotoScan generate quickly yet accurately reconstructed 3D models of the natural and man-made environment. VirtualGeo natively supports high resolution 3D models, merging them with all other available sources.

Command and control
To make the best decisions, decision makers in a Command & Control center need to have a Common Operating Picture (COP): a visual overview of the battlefield showing the area of interest (terrain and features) and all of the resources involved in that operation (e.g. friendly forces, enemy forces, targets, ingress, egress routes, etc). Obtaining the most accurate and up-to-date picture of all these elements is critical. With VirtualGeo, you possess all the features to display in real-time your COP: tactical graphics with APP6 and MIL2525 military symbology, high-performance data update, complex urban environment visualization, annotation tools.

UAV based recognition
Although streaming sensors feeds from UAV platforms provide valuable information to decision makers on the battlefield, they often provide poor spatial accuracy, limiting their utility. VirtualGeo provides the ability to geospatially reference the sensor feed in real-time. Operators and analysts increase their efficiency and gain significant situational awareness and positional understanding when the sensor imagery is draped on the underlying terrain

Operational systems
Having an easy access to accurate and decision-ready information when undergoing critical circumstances ensures an advantage and improves the odds for mission success. When deployed on the battlefield, real-time visualization systems of tactical situation operate in a constrained and secured environment. VirtualGeo is natively embedded for such environment and provides a complete workflow to help you prepare your maps for offline usage.